咨询 易倾诉






投诉 导航


编辑:算命 日期:2020-10-18 09:31 来源:未知 浏览:



章鱼是雅思老师,教过不少学生了,然后呢,本着翻译小组的初衷,希望大家能在看运势的同时也能学点英语,我跟章鱼约了【星座英语】的栏目,前几天推送了第一篇:星座英语 | 原来12星座学霸是这么学习的!,这周开始,我们来发发更切合小组主题的文章。






同时10.17日新月将会发生在天秤座,在感情上可能会有新发展。对于公众关系(Public Relationship)也会开始新的篇章。



白羊座 Aries

For this week, people who are born under Aries may feel the impact of your love life. Sometimes, you may feel that you are standing right between the devil and deep blue sea especially if there is an argument. No matter what may happen, please do not let rage cloud your sanity. If the worst-case scenario does occur, please do not cry for spilt milk. In terms of your work, act wisely and decisively.


between the devil and deep blue sea

between rock and a hard place/ dilemma/ catch-22 进退两难的境地

do not cry for spilt milk



金牛座 Taurus

People who are born under Taurus may feel challenged when communicating with subordinates and colleagues.You may need to be extra cautious in the workplace. Be diplomatic and smart when dealing with peer relationship. Otherwise, a trivial squabble may hinder a great relationship. As for romantic life, everything goes your way if you can be creative and caring. 


subordinate 下属

colleague 同事

in the workplace 在职场中

diplomatic 圆通的

everything goes your way 顺风顺水,如你所愿


双子座 Gemini

People who are born under Gemini may feel the impulse of travelling. Being in quarantine for too long, you may feel the necessity of reattaching with your old friends, business partners and other important people. Beware of the Mercury Retrograde when you book your ticket. Meanwhile, you need to pay attention to your family relationship this week.


in quarantine 隔离

feel the necessity of doing 感觉有必要做某事

book a ticket 订票


巨蟹座 Cancer

For this week, cancers may have the blessing of the universe to find love at home. You may also want to change a view by having a getaway. In terms of career, you will still be under stress, and everything seems to move in slow motion. However, the stagnation period will end soon. Chin up and embrace the future!


change a view 换换心情

getaway 短期旅行

slow motion 慢动作

stagnation 停滞

chin up 振作起来


狮子座 Leo

Next week, you will bury yourself into paperwork, travelling and communication. However, your charisma will power up this week and you may feel easy to attract people from a different place even a different country. What requires your attention is your study because of the negative effect that Mercury retrograde will bring. Just check one more time before handing in your assignment!


bury yourself into 沉浸在

charisma 魅力


处女座 Virgo

Money, money and money. This week, your financial situation is still in the centre of your universe. You need to be careful about your spending. Meanwhile, because of the current situation, you are under a lot of pressure and you are prone to some ailments like the common cold. Remember, health is the foundation of everything!


something is centre of the universe 最重要的事情

be prone to 易受某事的影响


天秤座 Libra

Libras, you turn the world green with envy. Being on the top of the world, you feel the world is your oyster and you can achieve a better version of yourself by casting positive influences on others.  However, your romantic life might be a little bit chaotic, and there might be a chance for you to argue with others. Think before you speak!


the world is your oyster 某人可以随心所欲

a better version of oneself 更好的自己


天蝎座 Scorpio

For Scorpios, this week is the final chance to have a rest before your work overwhelms you. Making plans for the coming busy work might be the best solution. After all, if you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail. This stagnant status will continue, and you may feel the loss of appetite for the coming week. Try to relax a little bit.



射手座 Sagittarius

Love and charm are the keywords of your coming week, Sagittariuses! Your morale is high and everything will go smoothly. This good luck will help you overcome a handful of troubles. However, pay attention to your financial status! Don't spend your money on the gadgets and gizmos that are not necessary. 



魔羯座 Capricorn

The relationship is the main topic in the coming week. You may doubt your personal image and that will put you into a less favoured position when negotiating with others. An old lover may re-enter your life for a short period of time but think twice before you make any decision because the end of Mercury retrograde may take him or her away from you again.



水瓶座 Aquarius

It is time to finish what you have started, Aquariuses. You will be ambitious for the coming week, and your energy will be always high. Please pay attention to your electronic devices and your messages. There might be a chance that your computer will not function properly . Also, it is a good time to enjoy your romantic life. 



双鱼座 Pisces

Intimacy is everything you need for the next week. You will spend a lot of time contemplating your current relationship. Meanwhile, your sixth sense will be deadly accurate, so that you can utilize this period of time to gain spiritual development. As for your romantic life, use your charm and enjoy deep communications rather than flirtatious chats. 


